Bhavi: 'We made a lot of mistakes in important rounds'

Marcos Gaming's captain talks after their Esportz Premier Series Grand Final loss

It's been a whirlwind 48 hours for Bhavi and co. First they got picked up by Marcos Gaming, which saw one of the top teams in India finally find a stable home and then Gods Reign's run at the Asia Closed Qualifiers saw them back out of the Esportz Premier Series Grand Final, which saw the new Marcos Roster replace Gods Reign in the Grand Final.

Speaking about the last 48 hours and getting to know that they would be playing the Grand Final, Bhavi mentioned that the circumstances meant they couldn't make a lot of changes or certain preparations for the Grand Final.

We just focused on our game and what works for us and that was the main gameplan for the Grand Final.

Mirage was an extremely slow start for Marcos, who started on the CT side. Even after winning the force, they found themselves 2-8 down. Bhavi mentions that they were over-rotating on the CT side and over-complicated things which led to a lot of gaps being found by Enigma.

The final round of regulations we messed up a bit, especially me, there was a mis-flash and we messed up the smokes that led to us being caught in a cross-fire. I peaked before the flash and it cost us dear.

Bhavi says in OT, Marcos once again were over-rotating and then were being static and not peaking together which saw Enigma closed it out 16-14.

After the going down on Enigma's pick of Mirage, the admins and tournament organisers mentioned to both the teams that it would be a BO3 final instead of BO5 final.

Bhavi mentions that Marcos didn't let the change in format affect them a lot and spoke amongst themselves and knew they could still pull it back.

We had a team-talk and we knew the two maps remaining were still strong maps for us. We knew that if we won Ancient, we could win Inferno as well. I knew Ancient would be close but nevertheless even in a BO3 format, we believed we could come back.

On Ancient, which has been one of the strongest maps the current Marcos core, Marcos started 5-0 on the T side before the game got tied at 6-6 at the half. Marcos' captain says that even though they started strong they made a lot of individual mistakes.

Even after starting 5-0, we were clear in our plans, to hit B but we had our site players getting caught off-guard, giving away first kills. We knew they would hold back and play for retakes but still we couldn't abuse that (having the correct read). One or two rounds we had miscoms and it broke our economy as well. We made a lot of mistakes in important rounds.

Even though they might have finished second, Bhavi and Marcos are looking forward to 2024, with multiple events planned ahead.

Of course right now our team morale is a bit low because of the loss but we will go home tomorrow, reset and get the focus back. Our next focus will be on The Draft Group Stages and then take the events as they come. Wins and losses happens, its a part of all competition.

Before he left, Bhavi spoke about getting picked up by Marcos Gaming. Bhavi is excited for the future with Marcos, he's happy with the support received even in the limited time and is looking forward to the support.

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