Image Courtesy: BLAST

True Rippers post dominant win against 2ez Gaming

2ez Gaming concede Mirage, Infeno 2-0 series

The trio of Gh0sTTT, Mcg1LLzZz and DiceDealer propelled True Rippers to a massive 9-3 lead on their T-half on Ancient. Little to nothing went the way of 2ez Gaming in the second half as their only T-round came from bb1 getting the better of DiceDealer in a 1v1.

That was all that 2ez Gaming could salvage as True Rippers closed out Ancient 13-4 to go 1-0 up in the Bo2. Lined up next as the decider was Mirage.

Image Courtesy: NODWIN Gaming, YouTube

It was a Rossi show on Inferno with the rifler dropping 20 frags in the first half alone to secure a 10-2 CT-half for True Rippers. True Rippers secured the pistol round to start off the second half and Mcg1LLzZz plowed the B-site with a P-90 in the follow-up to secure the match point for True-Rippers at 12-2.

Recoilmastr's CT-side AWPing gave 2ez Gaming a shot at mounting a comeback, even dropped an ace on B-site. 2ez Gaming strung up six rounds in a row to close the gap at 12-8 but eventually conceded a 3v2, as True Rippers closed out Inferno 13-8, wrapping up a 2-0 series.

Image Courtesy: NODWIN Gaming, YouTube

With this win True Rippers are now 6-0 undefeated in the series while 2ez Gaming are yet to open their account, recording their fourth consecutive loss.

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