WahWah’s Olofmeister shares his thoughts

Olofmeister: I feel I could’ve done more

WahWah conceded a 1-2 series against Gods Reign

After WahWah’s loss against Gods Reign we got a chance to chat with olofmeister, the legend drafted to WahWah. When asked about their initial map win, olofmeister spoke about his relatively slow start, stating “it was fun to get carried”

We haven’t played before together, so I’m trying to adapt and play their game. They were fragging hard and carrying me in the first map, it was a lot of fun. Comms were a little rough but still we had fun.

olofmeister spoke about playing with and against GuardiaN and showed his appreciation for the stellar AWP. He also went on to talk about his excitement towards the concept of the tournament.

It’s always fun playing against him (GuardiaN) and I’ve been a fan. Playing in a tournament like this, especially with this approach is always fun.

Despite their early 1-0 advantage, WahWah lost their footing, resulting in a 1-2 reverse sweep and in a short chat, olofmeister revealed that he felt like he could’ve done better and would come back stronger tomorrow.

I feel like I didn’t play good at all. I didn’t really sleep well last night. We lost a lot of scenarios, communications wise, things were a little rough. I feel like I’ve let them down, there was a super important round on Mirage that didn’t go our way. I feel like I could’ve done more, tomorrow I’ll be better.

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