Bhavi set to join Gods Reign

Report: Marcos core joins Gods Reign

New lineup set to make debut today

Dust2 India has learnt from sources close to the matter that Marcos Gaming's captain Bhavi and B2 is all set to join Gods Reign in a stunning transfer move, which will finalise the new Gods Reign roster.

Dust2 India had reported two days ago that reV3nnnn was also joining Gods Reign from Marcos Gaming and with his two teammates from Marcos Gaming also joining him at Gods Reign, it will effectively breakup the Marcos roster with ELV1S reported to take a break from the game for personal reasons and it would leave Ember alone.

With Bhavi and B2 joining, Bhavi is reported to take up the role of the in-game leader and it would see Gods Reign gaining not only India's first international LAN winning captain but a more than capable fragger. This would also mean f1redup and Ph1NNN would be the only two remaining members from the previous lineup.

Crazy_Gamer, clouda and CycloneF are all on their way out with clouda reported to be on a move to Enigma Gaming while Crazy_Gamer is reported to be in talks with True Rippers.

Dust2 India had reached out to the Gods Reign team for a confirmation on the matter but did not get one at the time of publication.

With the new reported roster moves, the Gods Reign lineup following the changes would be:

  • Bhavi

  • Ph1NNN

  • f1redup

  • reV3nnnn

  • R2B2

Gods Reign are set to get their ESL Challenger League S47: Asia campaign underway from today and we could see the new roster in action today.

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#1(With 0 replies)
February 16, 2024 04:30pm
2 awpers? 👀
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