Grayfox suffers heavy defeat in latest ESEA S48 Asia Open game

Big loss for rite2ace and co.

In their latest ESEA Season 48 Asia Open game of Round 10, Grayfox Esports faced Memo_Team in their BO1 game.

With the action taking place on Anubis, it was a lopsided opening half with Grayfox managing to get only one round. Memo_Team didn't waste time to close out the game at 13-3 to net a comfortable win.

Image Credit: FACEIT

Earlier in they day Enigma Gaming forfeited their match against TyPuCTbl as the SpawN-led squad don't have a five-man roster for the time being after parting ways with BENZENE, Catastr0phE and ghostxD recently.

The result sees Grayfox drop to 21st place, with Marcos Gaming remaining as the highest ranked Indian team at 8th. Enigma Gaming are in 17th while Gods Reign are in 24th, although they have made their way to ECL S47. The other Indian teams are iYATi in 34th place and True Rippers in 37th.

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