f1redup: "I don't think we'll face any pressure against the international teams"

Gods Reign, the sole Indian team in Pune is gearing up for action

Gods Reign have already immersed themselves in rigorous training sessions in Pune, as they gear up for the eagerly awaited Skyseports Grand Slam 2024, one of India's premier LAN tournaments. Before the teams jump into the bloodbath about to unfold, we seized the opportunity to connect with Gods Reign's ace, f1redup, to uncover his pre-match sentiments.

When asked about the potential pressure of playing in front of the home crowd as both the home team and dark horse, f1redup reflected on the confidence he has in his team.

It's truly a privilege to play in front of the home crowd of India. I don't think we'll face any pressure against the international teams, instead, I believe the crowd will work in our favor.
Knowing that we are the dark horse coming into the tournament, we have come prepared. Get ready to witness the damage we're about to cause.

Regarding the team's recent encounters with Asian teams and the upcoming matches against Aurora, BNK, and GWV, the team acknowledged the challenge but expressed confidence in their ability to navigate these uncharted waters.

It's not going to be smooth sailing going against the likes of Aurora, BNK, and GWV but with our recent experience playing against some of the Asian teams, we are confident to sail these untested waters.

When questioned about the cohesion of the relatively new roster and their performance level, f1redup impressed upon the idea that the team is heading in the right direction.

Yes, our roster was just built two weeks ago and I am very happy that we are synchronizing and adapting with each other day by day.
No, we haven't even reached our 20% yet and there's still a lot to be worked on. Our aim is to become the best Indian Counter-Strike roster and we will achieve it, no matter what.

Gods Reign will kick off their Grand Slam 2024 campaign against Garuda Wisnu Voyage on March 14 at 3:35 PM.

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