Image Courtesy: Aurora, X

Brain: "The Kangaroos are really good opponents for us"

Aurora defeated Bad News Kangaroos in a clean 2-0 series

After being handed down an early 0-7 disadvantage, Aurora held their ground and turned the tides to sweep Bad News Kangaroos off their feet in their Skyesports Grand Slam's opening match, snatching a 2-0 win and maintaining upper-bracket presence. We had a chance to chat with Aurora's coach, Brain after the match.

Brain straight away got down to brass tacks, talking about their initial overpass approach and how the team lacked training time due to lengthy air travel and how Aurora found their footing in the second half to turn things around

In the first part of the map, we were just asleep. We've had really long flights and had one just one day dedicated to training, the guys were just warming-up in the first half of the map. In the second half, the team started to communicate really well and they just found their own game, that's it. After the second half's pistol the whole game was under control.

Talking about Inferno, Brain praised the mindset of the individuals and their relationship within the team, pointing out that it all came down to understanding their opponents play-style and keeping up with it.

We were just playing our game, that's it. We have really good relationship within the team and no one tilted. We understand how they play and prepared a little bit.

When asked about opening their campaign against Bad News Kangaroos, a team that was on par and comparatively tougher opponents on paper Brain termed it as a good challenge to go face to face with them right at the beginning.

The Kangaroos are really good opponents for us, it was a nice challenge going face to face with them in the first game. I think we're going to see them in the final, if we're going to the final. These two teams from India and Indonesia, we don't really know them and they can just surprise us. We don't have a lot of information on them and they're like the dark horses in the tournament.

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