Image Courtesy: Skyesports

Victores Sumus prevails over Marcos Gaming

Impressing showing from Victores Sumus in the Playoffs

The Skyesports Showdown featured an exciting playoff matchup between Victores Sumus and a new look of Marcos Gaming, who welcomed Benzene in place of Gh0sTTTT. The best-of-three series kicked off on Ancient, where Victores Sumus showcased their dominance with a commanding CT side, securing an early 9-3 lead. Their strong performance continued in the second half, conceding only one round to achieve a 13-4 victory.

Image Courtesy: Skyesports

The second map, Inferno, began with both teams tied at 3-3. As the half progressed, Marcos Gaming struggled to establish a lead, but Victores Sumus stayed close, leading to another tie at halftime. The game remained tightly contested, reaching a 10-10 scoreline. However, Marcos Gaming found their momentum in the final rounds, ultimately clinching a 13-11 win.

Image Courtesy: Skyesports

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