Image Courtesy: ESL

ESL stalls Ranking Updates due to technical reasons

Ranking System updates issued in March delayed in implementation

ESL recently addressed their community to inform them of delays in the release of planned updates scheduled for March, citing technical issues as the cause.

The plethora of updates throughout the year included one particularly noteworthy change that involved adjustments to the Regional Multiplier Strength in January. These alterations saw an uplift for Asia and South Africa, while NA and OC experienced a reduction:

  • AS 4.5% » 5%

  • NA 26% » 20%

  • OC 9.5% » 8%

  • SA 7% » 14%

Then in March, ESL rolled out more changes to the ranking system, two of which were successfully implemented:

  • More teams in the XXL size category will receive points, including those in last place. Anda A new XXXL category will award points to an even larger number of teams with slightly more points per rank.

  • Top regional teams will earn points at large events even if they finish last, encouraging participation in both regional and larger events.

However, some of the updates ESL wished to implement have been delayed. They include:

  • Allowing roster changes within a 120-day period without affecting ratings.

  • Considering factors such as team composition, skill gap, and collective - experience when teams undergo significant changes.

  • Implementing measures to prevent teams from gaining disproportionate advantages by participating in numerous tournaments.

  • Enhancing the functionality and user experience of their website.

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