Dust2 India - 1XBET Cup Open Qualifier 23: Registrations open

2 Dust2 India 1XBET Masters 12 slots on the line

The Dust2 India 1XBET Masters 11 recently concluded with Gods Reign posting a hard fought 2-1 win over True Rippers as Bhavi's boys add yet another trophy to their cabinet. Setting up the next iteration of the tournament, the Dust2 India 1XBET Cup Open Qualifier 23 is now open for registration.

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Open qualifier 23 will take place on 14th July 2024 at 11:00 AM IST and will be open to teams from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

The open qualifier will host a single-elimination bo1 bracket limited to 16 teams, hurry up and grab your spot. A win in the third round (semi-final) of the qualifier will confirm a Dust2 India 1XBET Masters 12 slot. The main event carries a prize pool of $1,500 USD.

The Dust2 India 1XBET Cup Open Qualifier 23 rolls the carpet for everyone ranging from full-fledge professionals to casual weekend gamers irrespective of gender.

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