Skyesports provides an update regarding Skyesports Souvenir 2023 payment

Team Shush paid after almost 10 months

Following coming forward with the revelation that almost 10 months following the Skyesports Souvenir 2023, the runner-up team, Shush, are yet to be paid their prize money of $1000, team Shush's representative and Skyesports have confirmed to Dust2 India that the payment for the team has been made. Team Shush stated that they received their payment on the evening of July 10, 2024.

The Skyesports Souvenir 2023 was an online event held in September 2023, which had teams from the sub-continent region and Middle East take part saw Team India take down Team UAE (who were represented by Shush) in the Grand Final of the $5,000.

Skyesports Souvenir 2023 was initially planned as a LAN in Colombo, Sri Lanka but was shifted online in the end.

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