Ancient receives clipping fixes

Valve fixes geometry issues across various maps

Nine maps receive quick fixes

In a very non-Valve-like manner, we receive a third consecutive Counter-Strike 2 update in the space of three days. The update frenzy began on Tuesday with Valve announcing their stance on hardware scripting (SnapTap) which was followed by yesterday's update which brought new music kits into the game alongside several performance improvements.

In today's update Valve deployed a variety of fixes across nine maps - Office, Mirage, Inferno, Italy, Vertigo, Ancient, Anubis, Nuke and Overpass. Adjustments to these maps include improved grenade clipping, performance improvements among other things.

A C4 bug that allowed the Ts to temporarily see through walls by triggering the plant animation at certain parts of the map. The van in B-site Mirage receives some changes to it's clipping to allow players to hit the fast-apartments jump more consistently. Anubis and Overpass receive collision and lighting fixes alongside other adjustments to map geometry.

Here's Valve's release notes for the update:


  • Office

    • Fixed a case where a player could get stuck between a prop and the ceiling

  • Nuke

    • Fixed a pixel walk

    • Fixed some C4 stuck spots

  • Mirage

    • Adjusted collision on van for smoother movement

    • Fixed wall penetration issues around some arches

    • Fixed a view jittering issue when jumping on a crate near palace

    • Fixed some collision that allowed smoke grenades to go inside a wall

    • Adjustments to grenade clipping

    • Adjusted collision on some props

    • Fixed some C4 stuck spots

  • Inferno

    • Fixed some C4 stuck spots

    • Removed a boost spot in pit by A site

  • Italy

    • Perf improvements

    • Clipping adjustments

  • Vertigo

    • Adjustments to grenade clipping

  • Ancient

    • Fixed a bad clip edge that players were getting stuck on at T spawn

    • Fixed a pixel peak

  • Anubis

    • Adjustments to grenade clipping

    • Fixed a C4 stuck spot

    • Fixed some prop collision that could hide C4

    • Fixed some lighting issues

  • Overpass

    • Fixed some minor visual bugs near canal

    • Some clipping adjustments near park for smoother movement

    • Added some missing handrail collision

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