September 13, 2024 11:23pm
Four Indian Players in top 20 FACEIT SEA
4 Indian players in top 11
The Southeast Asian region is heavily dominated by Indian players and those playing for Indian teams at the moment. In the top 10 rankings on SEA FACEIT, there are currently three Indian players: R2B2, reV3nnnn, and f1redup in the top 10, while Ph1NNN closely follows in 11th place.
All four players are from Gods Reign, while Rossi from True Rippers lies outside the top 20, standing in 24th place. These are the notable Indian players in SEA, but imports playing for Indian teams are also making their mark in the region.
Wadeshot, a Latvian who plays for Niory, is in the top position, while True Rippers' DayMake and Crunchy hold the third and fifteenth spots, respectively.

SEA Top 11 on FACEIT
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