Valve bans bugged XP lobby exploiters
Valve released a small update for Counter-Strike 2 earlier today and with the update they seem to have addressed an issue that has plagued the in-game deathmatch servers since the Armory update. The Armory pass requires players to stack XP from Valve's servers in order to gain stars and redeem items from the Armory pass.
A bugged server was launched by some members of the community where a deathmatch configuration (Score x 0.5XP) would load but end with the XP convertion rate of casual (Score x 4 XP), allowing players to farm up to 60 stars in under 30 minutes. These bugged through the cheat engine or in-game tools, were invite only and exclusive to high profile streamers and their friends.
However, Valve stepped in and hammered all accounts that exploited this bug with a 1 year trade ban. As of now, many Counter-Strike 2 content creators including Anomaly, Arrow, Epidemic and FURIOUS have received a 1 year trade ban with a yellow account alert header lurking at the top of the screen in-game.
The update also slightly modified particle effects such as tracers to allow better optimization in low graphics settings and brought a lighting change across maps in it's compilation state. Player colors are now accurately represented in Premier's pick/ban phase and warmup. Here are Valve's release notes for the update:
Fixed certain particle effects, like tracers, to fall back to mixed resolution for better performance when using low graphics settings with MSAA disabled.
Improved lighting artifacts in various interior places when compiling maps.
Teammate colors will now be assigned on official servers as soon as all players press ACCEPT. This will ensure that colors are correct during Pick/Ban phase, and during Warmup.
Improvements in Charms reactivity physics system to better align with weapon animations.