November 8, 2024 08:00pm
True Rippers decimate Griffin Esports
8 rounds conceded over the two maps by TR
True Rippers kicked off their AMD GameON Closed Qualifier journey with a commanding 2-0 victory over Griffin Esports, with wins on Dust2 and Nuke.
On both the maps, Mcg1LLzZz and reV3nnnn emerged as the heavyweights, finding significant impact to facilitate the win. The first map saw True Rippers subdue their opponents with a 13-5 margin, with reV3nnnn notching 23 kills on the AWPer's paradise. True Rippers then closed out the series with a 13-3 win on the second map, with Mcg1LLzZz earning 20 kills.

Image Courtesy: LOT Gaming

Image Courtesy: LOT Gaming
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