December 21, 2024 05:30pm
HLTV Awards : Highlight of The Year Nominees revealed
The action that caught the most attention
Along with unveiling the nominees for the Panel Votes for Players and Coaches, the HLTV Awards have also announced the nominees for Highlight of the Year. From donk’s 1v5 Ace clutch to NiKo’s crispy One-Deags, 2024 had its fair share of highlights.
The most fascinating plays from the Major include the donk 1v5 against HEROIC, m0NESY's AWP 4k against Spirit, malbsMd 1v3 Ace Clutch against M80, skullz 1v4 against FaZe, and the unforgettable ace from KSCERATO against Vitality in the B apps.
The award will be decided by a panel of specialists, who will determine the top 3 finalists on December 28, before ultimately announcing the winner in the Award Show on January 11.
Below are the nominees:
donk AK-47 1v5 against HEROIC
jL Deagle + AK-47 Ace against G2
KSCERATO Ace against Vitality
m0NESY AWP 4K against Spirit
m0NESY Scout 4K against The MongolZ
malbsMd AK-47 1v3 Ace Clutch against M80
mezii AK-47 Ace against G2
NiKo Deagle Ace against BIG
skullz M4A1-S 1v4 against FaZe
ZywOo AWP 4K against 9z
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