f1redup's Ancient show gets Gods Reign over the line against Victores Sumus

Gods Reign hold on in a scrappy series

Gods Reign managed to reverse sweep Victores Sumus in their upper bracket opening round game at the PGL Astana 2025 Rest of Asia Closed Qualifier game, taking down their compatriots 2-1 to move into the upper bracket semi-final.

Rossi lost out a 1v2 to time to see Victores Sumus start Gods Reign's pick of Anubis with the T-side pistol. Early impact from arakyN saw Victores Sumus run away to a 4-0 start Gods Reign found a CT round but arakyN's openers got Victores Sumus answering back immediately. Gods Reign's CT side finally got going a couple of rounds as Ph1NNN brought out the second Big Green in a double AWP set-up but it was all Victores Sumus on the T side as they ran away to a 9-3 lead.

ChAmP's 1v2 in the second pistol saw Victores Sumus lock in both pistols on Anubis before Bhavi put his foot down to pull back the score on Gods' T side. Gods Reign's T side almost pushed the map to overtime but it was ChAmP denying R2B2, who had a rough map, a 1v3 to see Victores Sumus secure a 13-10 win on their opponents' map pick, with arakyN having a strong map, dropping 25 kills.

A B-site retake saw Gods Reign start Inferno with the CT pistol but a force buy hit with a couple of MAC-10s for Victores Sumus answering back instantly. arakyN's 1v2 in the first gun round gave Victores Sumus the early advantage but crucial clutches and multi-kill rounds from R2B2 kept Gods Reign in the game. Aggressive Banana control by Bhavi helped Gods Reign take a 8-4 lead before a flawless T side saw them close Inferno at 13-4 to tie up the series 1-1.

Early impact from arakyN saw Victores Sumus start with the early lead on Ancient before Ph1NNN helped Gods Reign tie up the opening half. A RaYzEr 1v3 kicked off Victores Sumus' T side and Benzene and co. looked like they would run away with the map but it was f1redup keeping Gods Reign in the game and Bhavi's boys eventually went on to hit double digits first, closing down multiple B hit attempts. After a trade of rounds it was Victores Sumus hitting match point first but a team kill from Victores Sumu and a multi-kill from f1redup and Rossi saw them push the map to overtime.

The f1redup and Rossi duo continued to dominate as a 2v5 from them saw Gods Reign end their CT half with a lead before finally closing the series at 16-14, with f1redup dropping a 30 bomb to help Gods Reign move into the upper bracket semi-final. Gods Reign will face the winner of The Huns vs IHC game in the upper bracket semi-final tomorrow while Victores Sumus will take on the loser of The Huns - IHC game in their elimination game.

Gods Reign
2 - 1
Victores Sumus
All maps
Gods Reign K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.1
India Aakash 'Ph1NNN' Bose 56 - 42 +14 92.4 77.1% 1.30
India Harsh 'f1redup' Jain 54 - 35 +19 84.1 80.0% 1.24
India Kiran 'Rossi' Rudresh 54 - 46 +8 83.5 77.1% 1.16
India Bhavesh 'Bhavi' Sejwani 48 - 50 -2 74.5 81.4% 1.06
India Rahul 'R2B2' Banerjee 40 - 47 -7 63.6 72.9% 0.89
Victores Sumus K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.1
India Amandeep 'arakyN' Singh 59 - 49 +10 84.3 72.9% 1.23
India Gourav 'RaYzEr' Panwar 59 - 54 +5 82.8 67.1% 1.18
India Sunny 'Recoilmaster' Kenyy 37 - 43 -6 58.8 71.4% 0.85
India Yash 'Benzene' Kumar Singh 33 - 53 -20 61.7 65.7% 0.79
India Anirudh 'ChAmP' Aurange 32 - 56 -24 64.4 58.6% 0.77

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