sausol's lurks were too hot to handle for Rare Atom

Malaysian star almost inflicts an upset

Movistar Riders close out Anubis 16:14 against Rare Atom despite kaze and JamYoung's heroics

Starting off on the T-side of Anubis, Movistar Riders briefly showed the how strong the T-side of the map is by going 6-1 up early after which Rare Atom came back to finish the half 8-7 with a 6 round win streak.

The 2nd half saw both teams stepping up, trading rounds and resetting each other's economies multiple times. Although Movistar Riders looked to walk away with a win at 15-12 with 3 match points in hand, Rare Atom held their end on the CT-side on a map which heavily favors the T-side, forcing the match into overtime.

Movistar Riders however displayed superior map control and routing as they went on to win overtime 19:16 dropping just a single round. JamYoung went quiet towards the end after propelling Rate Atom up until then.

JamYoung looked dangerous, but not for long

Everyone from Movistar Riders came through displaying individual brilliance with sausol going on courageous lurks on both sides, keeping his team aware of happenings all over the map.

Rate Atom will face VERTEX in the lower bracket and Movistar Riders will go up against Bad News Eagles in the winners bracket.

Rare Atom
16 - 19
Movistar Riders
All maps
Rare Atom K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Andrew 'kaze' Khong 26 - 19 +7 71.7 80.0% 1.18
Jingxiang 'Mercury' Wang 25 - 25 +0 86.4 77.1% 1.16
Yi 'JamYoung' Yang 26 - 26 +0 83.4 65.7% 1.14
Qianhao 'Moseyuh' Chen 24 - 27 -3 69.9 68.6% 0.94
Zhuo 'advent' Liang 15 - 25 -10 50.3 62.9% 0.75
Movistar Riders K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Alejandro 'alex' Masanet 27 - 20 +7 73.4 88.6% 1.26
Antonio 'MartinezSa' Martinez 26 - 19 +7 67.2 85.7% 1.21
Alejandro 'mopoz' Fernández-Quejo Cano 25 - 26 -1 94.0 74.3% 1.19
David 'dav1g' Granado Bermudo 22 - 25 -3 63.7 74.3% 0.95
Pere 'sausol' Solsona Saumell 22 - 26 -4 75.2 57.1% 0.94

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#1(With 0 replies)
May 1, 2023 04:41pm
Kaze Malaysian Pride
#2(With 0 replies)
May 1, 2023 04:52pm
i love my Malaysian king
#3(With 0 replies)
May 1, 2023 05:04pm
Love to see the asian region performing and giving tough fights
#4(With 0 replies)
May 1, 2023 09:38pm
rare atom actually has pretty solid players. Advent seems to be lacking in the fragging department tho.
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