Heroic breeze past Complexity in Washington opener
Heroic's run at IEM Dallas started with a flawless stomp through the group stage including a battering handed to G2. But their loss to MOUZ was yet another choke in a series of events ever since the Rio Major, where the Danes just lose a match in the playoffs for no apparent reason. Nevertheless when it comes to a group stage match, Heroic are almost a guaranteed win. Especially against Complexity without their star AWPer.
The match started off on Inferno with a floppy 1v2 clutch, where Complexity got a 4-0 start thanks to a pistol round win. Heroic got a full buy out in round 5 and immediately took back to back rounds. FaNg closed out a round on the B site to give Complexity a fifth round, but Heroic stayed in the half, ending with a 9-6 lead with Heroic's captain topping the half with 15 kills.
Heroic kept their control thanks to a pistol round win on their pick of Nuke and the Danes ran a pretty tight attack all the way a 14-6 lead. Complexity finally repelled the attackers thanks to floppy's triple kill. But that was all coL could muster as Heroic took the map at 16-7.