KingPins ease into the Finals

KingPins storm into the finals of Nostra Gaming's open CS:GO tournament

BENZENE stars in a dominant display from KingPins

KingPins are in the finals of the Nostra Gaming CS:GO tournament, after they took down Slow Aimers in the second semi-final. The open tournament that had a total of 24 teams, now reaches its final match, with OnlyFriends all set to take on KingPins in the finals.

It was a one-sided semi-final which saw KingPins dominate Slow Aimers on both maps, with Slow Aimers just about avoiding an embarrassing 0-16 on their map pick. It was a relatively better showing in the second map but KingPins' firepower was too strong for the Slow Aimers. BENZENE was the star of the semi-finals ending the series with an incredible 50 kills across two maps.

The teams for the second semi-finals were:


  • Bhavi

  • DiceDealer


  • CycloneF

  • ElVIS

Slow Aimers

  • VacGod

  • Vanguardian

  • Mayuresh

  • j0keR

  • ZappY_3K-

The second semi-final saw the action kick-off on Slow Aimers' pick of Mirage with KingPins starting on the CT half. It was almost a triple kill from BENZENE to get KingPins on the board. Another multi-kill from BENZENE saw KingPins convert against Slow Aimers' eco before the guns came out in round 3. A BENZENE quad kill on round 4 saw KingPins go 4-0 up. A collateral from Bhavi and a double from BENZENE saw KingPins win out the half early on with a strong 8-0 lead as the Ts were just not able to step up against the defensive holds. An ElVIS 1v2 in round 13 saw KingPins keep their defensive clean.

It was an incredible defensive half from KingPins as they ended the first half flawlessly with a 15-0 lead with BENZENE ending the first half with 23 kills while every other member of the KingPins member had double digits kill in the first half, showcasing another level of dominance.

KingPins' 16-0 dream was shattered as a crucial double kill from ZappY_3K- saw Slow Aimers put up their first round. A clean house from CycloneF and Bhavi saw KingPins secure the map at 16-1 after converting their force buy. BENZENE ended the first map with 24 kills and CycloneF finishing the opening map with 17 kills.

The second map was KingPins' pick of Nuke with Slow Aimers starting on the CT half. Doubles from Vanguardian and VacGod saw Slow Aimers take the opening pistol on Nuke. A j0ker triple against KingPins' force buy saw Slow Aimers go 2-0 up. VacGod's triple made sure that Slow Aimers didn't fall to KingPins' eco buy. It was a clinical B hit from KingPins that saw them secure their first round. KingPins' tied things up quickly at 4-4 on the back of a double AWP double from Bhavi. A team ace from KingPins saw them take the lead of the map at 5-4 after taking five rounds in a row. KingPins ended the first half with a 10-5 on the back of a BENZENE triple.

A BENZENE double saw KingPins take the second pistol. It was clean conversion against the eco and then another BENZENE multi-kill saw KingPins go 13-5 up. Bhavi's aggresive openers with the AWP saw KingPins secure map and series point at 15-4. BENZENE ended the map with 26 kills with DiceDealer also having a strong performance on Nuke with 24 kills.

The finals will be held on May 28, 2023 and will be live-streamed on NostraPlay's YouTube channel.

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