Cheating allegations raised against the winners of Skyesports Café Qualifiers

Detructive5, the winners of the CQ Playoffs of Skyesports Masters are under suspicion for using unfair means in the Online tournament.

In the aftermath of the Café Qualifiers Playoff of the Skyesports Masters, in which Destructive 5 (D5) emerged as the champions, multiple people have come forward with cheating allegations against the team. D5, who came second in the Mumbai Café Qualifier, went on a streak in the online playoffs to win a cash prize of INR 40,000 after defeating Reactive, Cosmo 5, Built Different, Wasted Potential. It is reported that Skyesports were using FACEIT anti-cheat measures to maintain the integrity of the competition in the Online playoffs.

Following the conclusion of the event, the teams were handed the demo files of their matches. While they were already suspicious of D5 using unfair means, their suspicions grew stronger and closer to conviction.

I did not find anything suspicious when I was playing against D5 but as soon as the clips aired about one of the D5 player being suspicious. I have to say the player seems to be astronomically aware during each and every situation and well, I'll let the experts do the rest.
shivy, Reactive

At first, I didn't suspect anything. I thought they were well prepared. But after the accusations, I watched the demo and everything was clear. They were hyper aware about every possibility
Ember, Reactive

Catastrophy from Built Different, who got eliminated at the hands of D5 in the semi-finals expressed significant discontent and dissatisfaction on the subject.

My whole team suspected it on the first map. But we kept on playing and gave our all to win regardless because we love the game. We were suspectful since their match against God’s Reign in Del TEC Pune Qualifiers. It is sad because we didn’t give up on our dreams by sticking to CS despite most of the players shifting to Valorant. We had a hope that with Skyesports Masters and all the events lined up after that, we will finally get more opportunities. It's hard work that put me at this point and when people like these come and aim lock in an official match, it just breaks my heart. People have given their life, made family related sacrifices for this game and these people should not just come and think that they can do whatever they want because they can back it up by claiming to be old professionals. But I don’t care if they are found guilty or not, I will not stop until the Indian scene prospers.
Catastrophy, Built Different

The players from Wasted Potential were extremely suspicious of Sam of Destructive5's use of aim-locks and wall-hacks. They believed that it was the turning point of the match as they lost the game from a 15-9 score-line.

I used to play with these guys (D5) on LAN. I never found these guys fishy on LAN and online as well until we played online qualifiers of Skyesports. On the day of finals (Skyesports café qualifiers) we were playing against D5 and the score was 15-9 when Sam disconnected and joined after 10mins. Rest is history. We were unable to play our game. We lost in OT and then on inferno we gave up. We reported it to the admin that sam (D5 player) was hacking but no action was taken and we were forced to finish the match. After watching Demos we confirmed that he was using aim lock and maybe wall hacks as well. Not only us but also team built different (semi finalist) confirmed that they were hacking.
Headshotspecial, Wasted Potential

In response to the growing concern of the community over the issue, it was confirmed by Skyesports personnel, that the organization is currently investigating the matter. They have assigned a committee of experts who are closely examining the demos to find evidence regarding the alleged use of illicit means.

Dust2 India attempted to contact a player from Destructive 5 for a comment but did not receive one at the time of publication.

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#1(With 0 replies)
July 6, 2023 01:22pm
Ban these mfs
#2(With 1 replies)
July 6, 2023 01:26pm
3 kills on LAN lvl 6 on faceit but online tournament with no ac 30 bombs hahahahahha
#7(With 0 replies)
July 6, 2023 04:45pm
The article says they were using FACEIT AC in the online matches?
#3(With 0 replies)
July 6, 2023 02:27pm
Clown Boomers
#4(With 0 replies)
July 6, 2023 02:56pm
not again ((
#5(With 0 replies)
July 6, 2023 03:06pm
There's always gonna be another forsaken. Need a better solution. If this carries on indian cs will never take off.
#6(With 0 replies)
July 6, 2023 03:07pm
#8(With 0 replies)
July 6, 2023 05:28pm
you cannot stop cheaters from participating, there has to be a way to find these people and give them lifetime ban from competitive CS
#9(With 0 replies)
July 6, 2023 06:50pm
Ban them and put them in jail
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