Skyesports to feature English broadcast

Skyesports Masters Finals to feature English Commentary in the arena

Skyesports CEO Shiva Nandy discussed the broadcast language changes on Twitter

Commenting on a recent episode of “Geographically Challenged”, an Asian CS-focused podcast hosted by Jordan “Elfishguy” Mays, Shiva Nandy, the CEO of Skyesports, shared some insight into the broadcast of the Skyesports Masters league.

Firstly the CEO and founder of Skyesports, shared that the tournament organiser has plans to host multiple seasons of the league, something he elaborated upon in another tweet later. Skyesports plans to develop the brand into a global tournament organiser that will hope to host top-tier international squads by 2025.

Talking about the first season in particular, he mentioned that the broadcast will be switching over from Hindi to English as the primary language within a couple of days. This was in response to the point raised in the podcast about how a lack of an English stream could prevent many audiences from being able to observe the tournament.

On top of that, Mr. Nandy mentioned that the LAN finals will feature an English broadcast in-person while the online broadcast will be in Hindi.

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July 20, 2023 11:59am
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