Image Courtesy: f1redup, Instagram (@_f1redup)

"It's tit-for-tat" - f1redup

Revenant Esports concede a close 1-2 series to 7SEA Esports

After a close loss to 7SEA Esports, we got a chance to talk to f1redup, Revenant Esports' exceptional AWP-rifle hybrid and here's what he had to say.

Your team contained the core Indian team that played in Riyadh and even though you guys played really well, things didn't go your way, did that factor in today in terms of mindset and mentality coming into the match?

"No, I don't think so. We were mentally strong, even came back to close out Inferno. We managed to do a great comeback and I'm happy about it, we've not had a lot of time with our two new players, looking forward to a lot of prep."

You had nuke in the palm of your hands, 15-11, looked great to close it out, what happened?

"I think we tend to overthink a lot of situations. When we were 15-11 up maybe we should've gone for individual picks rather than full-on executes. Eventually it turned out to be a rough last 4 rounds and we can't do anything about it, just unlucky that we couldn't find picks even though they were pushing a lot."

Once 7SEA reached 15 on Inferno, you guys were an entirely different team, everyone from your team stepped up, closed a 7 round buffer and forced the match into an overtime, can you talk about that phase of the match?

"It's tit-for-tat, if they can do it, so can we. We're very experienced players and even when we lost such a map we know how to mentally reset. It's just the start of the league, we need to focus on what we can do, we have a lot of matches coming up, we will start winning again."

Not a lot of Anubis in the tournament so far, any particular game plan going into Anubis?

"We had a proper game plan for Nuke but not Anubis. There was prep that had gone into Anubis but not as well as Nuke or Inferno. There were a lot of mishaps with the callouts and stuff, we still managed to take the lead on the CT-side but unfortunately couldn't hold on to it"

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#1(With 0 replies)
July 20, 2023 10:01pm
Loved you awp f1redup
Hoping to see more
#2(With 0 replies)
July 22, 2023 03:32pm
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