The RO16 action took place

TEC Arena Connect, Kochi: Round of 16 RECAP

Final 8 teams decided for TEC Arena Connect Kochi event

The round of 16 of the Online Qualifiers at the TEC Arena Connect, Kochi event came to an end as the final eight teams for the quarter-finals have been finalised.

Old School Esports vs Fire5 (OSE 16 - 14 F5)
Map - Nuke

Old School Esports

  • wildboy

  • - FuRY

  • FLicKeR

  • s1mple

  • Abyy


  • B3YOND -iwnl-

  • LosTAIm

  • Alone Boy

  • VIP3R^

  • hawkkk.

Old School Esports (OSE) got things underway on Nuke starting on the CT side and an Abyy triple in the pistol and a double saw OSE take an early 2-0 lead. Alone Boy's 1v1 saw Fire5 (F5) put up their first round on an upgraded pistols round. After F5 tied the game, it was a s1mple triple that gave OSE the lead again. A wildboy quad saw OSE put up five and strong defensive half from OSE saw them end the first half with a 11-4 lead.

A crucial multi-kill from Alone Boy saw F5 pick up the second pistol and an ace from Alone Boy saw F5 get the score to 6-11. A -FuRY quad gave OSE their first T round but F5's strong CT half saw them eventually tie the game at 12-12. Alone Boy kept F5 in the game with a 1v2 to equalise the score at 14-14 but a wildboy triple put OSE on match point. OSE eventually held on to close out the map at 16-14 as -FuRY and wildboy led from the front with 33 and 32 kills respectively.

Airavata Esports vs Intense Gaming (ARE 12 - 16 IG)
Map - Inferno

Airavata Esports

  • Antivirus

  • $inister

  • VIRuS.

  • AssasinaTe

  • staRRRRR

Intense Gaming

  • Eacquac

  • dANNY

  • Aeju

  • JimmyMonsteRRRR

  • w1ck3dz

staRRRRR's 1v2 gave Airavata Esports (ARE) the opening pistol on the T side and were up by three in no time before the guns came out from both teams. A dANNY triple finally put Intense Gaming. Antivirus <3's crucial 1v3 on the B site kept Airavata going and they ended the half with a 8-7 lead.

Airavata took the second pistol as well and secured double digits first but Intense Gaming went on an incredible streak of eight rounds to close the game at 16-12. It was a stellar showing from Eacquac who ended the match with 27 kills with dANNY and Aeju giving solid support with 20+ kills on both.

Precision One Gaming vs KaitKait Gaming (POG 16 - 10 KKG)
Map - Inferno

KaitKait Gaming

  • The marbz

  • Youngmonz

  • Yanmeister

  • Blurry

  • Grudge

Precision One Gaming

  • WolFy

  • G4tt

  • G4NN1

  • Prad

  • Gods1ayer

The action was once again on Inferno with KKG starting on the CT half. POG picked up the opening pistol thanks to a WolFy double. It was a strong start from the Ts are they went 5-0 up. KKG's first round came thanks to a Youngmonz triple on the B site and KKG put three on a row before WolFy came in with a crucial 1v2 to give POG their sixth. POG eventually ended the opening half with a 9-6 lead as Blurry ended the half with a quad kill.

KKG got the second pistol and after picking up the two rounds against the eco and force buy, the game was tied at 9-9. POG got their tenth as soon as the guns came out. A WolFy ace from A site saw POG put up their 14th and POG picked up the map at 16-10 with WolFy ending up on top of the scoreboard with 29 kills.

Wasted Potential vs aQuA Gaming (WP 17 - 19 aQuA Gaming)
Map - Overpass

aQuA Gaming

  • 5m0Ke

  • 0wned

  • Noyan

  • revenge

  • mr.x

Wasted Potential

  • YellowFLash

  • Headshotspecial

  • 3vilpr1nc3

  • Cara

  • PixeL

The final game of the day got underway on Overpass and Wasted Potential got an early 3-0 lead starting on the T side. aQuA Gaming (AG) got five on the trot to take the lead at 5-3. The opening half was neck and neck and it ended with WP taking a slight lead at 8-7.

AG picked up the second pistol to tie the game. Like the first half it was both the teams trading rounds but it was AG who found map point at 15-13 but WP made sure they didn't give up easily as they pulled the game to overtime. In overtime AG eventually closed the map at 19-17 with mr.x ending the map with 45 kills.

The other results of the matches which took place off-stream were:

  • SlowAimers 16 - 0 ITS TEAM

  • FIREDUP-Gaming 16 - 12 Team Adrenaline

  • PuneF1ve 16 - 14 Pune Esports

  • Lethals 7 - 16 Retailiation

The quarter-finals will take place on July 22, 2023 and the games can be caught here .

Also read

#1(With 0 replies)
July 22, 2023 02:27pm
indian s1mple :)
#2(With 0 replies)
July 22, 2023 03:34pm
I believe the score for FIREDUP-Gaming was 16-12.
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