"The biggest threat for us is probably Revenant" - yourwombat

Enigma Gaming stands strong against Velocity Gaming

After yet another successful encounter against Velocity Gaming, yourwombat from Enigma Gaming sat with us to discuss to delve into the insights of the game. Here's what he had to say.

You had a very strong Inferno, especially your CT side. What makes you so good? Because just like last time, they had no chance with their attacks.

With our CT Inferno, we don't play anything complex. We just have a few things we really like doing, that are pretty hard to beat. And we have a lot of practice on. Something different though, between that game and the game we played today, we have changed some CT spots around. So me and Roflko have split up. We were both on B but we wanted to make a change to make our CT side stronger. Some things have gotten a bit worse now, but we are still improving and getting practice on it. But I think our CT Inferno is pretty good right now. So it was pretty shocking when they picked it against us. And with the comms yeah, I think everyone just has a very good understanding of what their teammates are doing. And me and Roflko lead our sets and give the plan to people, and they are very good at executing it.

When you are playing so well as you are, does it get hard to take every game seriously?

Sometimes yeah, but you just have to stay focused because it's a match. Something we have a habit of doing, like what happened in this game. When we are smashing a team, sometimes the map we play after, some of the rounds we might not take seriously. It starts to become like a practice game. We have to remember that it's a second map and that every round counts. And we should be trying to win every round.

Even after smashing your opponent like that, do you find something to learn from?

Yeah, there definitely will be a lot of stuff to learn from. Obviously, you won't learn as much as if you lost the game. But there will be something here and there, maybe comms. There's always something.

With the league stage nearing it's end, which team do you consider as your biggest threat?

The biggest threat for us is probably Revenant. We are confident we can beat them the next time we verse them. But the way they play, sometimes makes us a bit uncomfortable. They are a team you can't make a lot of mistakes against and get away with. I think if we are able to play properly and not make as many mistakes as we have been making against them, then we should be able to beat them fairly comfortably. But it's on us if we choose to show up on the day or not.

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