Looking For Org bounce back against JohnIndustries

LFO keep IEM Sydney dreams alive

After going down in their respective opening matches, JohnIndustries took on Looking For Org in the Lower bracket final of the IEM Sydney 2023 Oceania Closed Qualifiers, with both teams fighting to stay in the battle to make it to the main event.

The first map was Looking For Org's (LFO) pick of Inferno with JohnIndustries (JOH) starting on the CT side. JOH took the opening pistol but LFO bounced back with the force buy and were 4-1 up before JOH got their second CT round with a force buy consisting of upgraded pistols and a Scout. It was a back-and-forth half from then on with motion's AWP keeping JOH in the game at the half with a 6-9 score.

JOH turned around a 3v5 to take the second pistol and went on to take the lead of the map at 10-9 with HUGHMUNGUS coming in with a crucial 1v3 on the A site to see JOH take the lead. LFO stole a round away with upgraded pistols to keep the score tied and a SaVage ace started JOH's downfall which eventually saw JOH take Inferno 16-13. Liki quietly crept up the scoreboard on Inferno and ended with 32 kills and a 1.74 rating.

Strong series from Liki

JOH's pick of Nuke was the second map of the series with LFO starting on the CT side. It was a 4-0 start from LFO, as a SaVage triple saw LFO take the first gun round after converting the pistol and against the eco and force buy. A Falcon double B opener saw JOH take their first T round. JOH could manage only one more as LFO barely allowed JOH any footing to put in a dominating CT half that gave them a 13-2 lead.

A SaVage triple opener in the pistol gave LFO 14 and they wrapped it up at 16-7 with JOH managing five defensive rounds at the least. Liki ended the series with 46 kills across two maps with a strong 1.43 rating.

Looking For Org will now face the loser of the Rooster - VERTEX game in the Consolidation final tomorrow, August 23, 2023.

John Industries
0 - 2
Looking For Org
All maps
John Industries K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
New Zealand Timothy 'val' Youn 38 - 38 +0 81.0 61.5% 0.98
Patrick 'Falcon' Desousa 31 - 40 -9 69.3 57.7% 0.88
Australia Jeremy 'motion' Lloyd 26 - 40 -14 59.9 59.6% 0.79
Australia Hugh 'HUGH' Anderson 25 - 39 -14 55.9 57.7% 0.72
Australia Matthew 'Valiance' Hartrick 22 - 40 -18 47.4 46.2% 0.60
Looking For Org K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.0
Australia Benson 'Liki' Niuila 46 - 26 +20 88.5 80.8% 1.43
Australia Tom 'apocdud' Henry 40 - 29 +11 85.2 78.8% 1.27
Australia James 'SaVage' Savage 43 - 32 +11 83.3 78.8% 1.26
Australia Jordan 'Hatz' Bajic 32 - 27 +5 79.0 78.8% 1.20
New Zealand Euan 'sterling' Moore 35 - 28 +7 66.5 67.3% 1.11

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