KiiLSwitCh 'Props to Crazy_Gamer for fragging and calling so well'

Gods Reign hammer Marcos Gaming in the second Skyesports Masters semifinal

After a commanding semifinal win over Marcos Gaming, KiiLSwitCh spoke to Dust2 India.

One of the most one-sided games in the entire tournament till now, especially against the League Stage table toppers! You guys just started immediately with confidence, was there any particular game plan?

We didn't really look too much into the fact that they were the table toppers. We practiced really well with PokemoN (Gods Reign's coach), who gave us really insightful about the game and Crazy_Gamer put in a lot of work on his end to make sure his gameplan was perfect. I feel that even reV3nnn, PH1NNN and clouda put in a lot of work on their end with the ultilities and all three of them did a fabulous job today, really proud of them.

Let's talk a bit about Overpass, an absolute stomping. Talk to us about the switch from your end after the force-buy wars.

It was just Crazy_Gamer, who went berserk on the A site and honestly props to him to frag this hard whilst calling on the CT-side. I didn't really do well on the B site personally but I enabled my teammate to get more frags whilst trading me.

Now the Ancient pick, not many saw that coming - where did it come from?

Yeah, actually the last time we played Ancient, we beat them and we had a good idea about their weak spots on this map and used that well. We took map control well and they weren't really contesting us in areas such as B long, which I don't know why, but we got really easy map control and out-aimed them.

Playing Revenant tomorrow who are also on hot form, thoughts on the final?

They are a very good team and it will be a tough game tomorrow and I can't wait to join the server and find out tomorrow!

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