The Legacy of DEFAULTER

Uncover the pioneering journey of Ritesh Sarda, a narrative that sparks inspiration

In the world of Indian Counter-Strike, one name emerges as a testament to the passion, dedication, and hard work—Ritesh Sarda, known to many as DEFAULTER. From a young boy captivated by the world of video games to proudly representing India on the international stage, DEFAULTER's journey reads like a page torn from a thrilling adventure novel. But this journey isn't just about gaming; it's a story of battling adversity, overcoming obstacles, and emerging triumphant in the face of countless challenges.

It all began during his formative years, around the age of 10, sparked by visits to a local gaming café which was hardly 50m away from his home. It was his father who introduced him to the café, marking the beginning of a new journey, one in which his continued support has remained a steadfast presence throughout. His father has always been there to cheer him on, make sure he's well-fed, and offer unwavering support to other members of the team as if they were his own children too. Even now, he dials his son's number before every match, their conversations etched with pride, and he proudly shares Ritesh's victories on social media.

But no narrative about DEFAULTER would be complete without mentioning his brother, the unsung hero. While his father introduced him to the gaming café, it was his brother who initiated him into the world of Counter-Strike. They played together, but as DEFAULTER's skills grew, he outshone his brother. Venturing into Countet-Strike at such a tender age, he began his professional journey with 1.6. His origins in the Northeastern region of India meant that he got a lot of opportunities to compete in LAN tournaments. He marked his debut when he was in class 6th when he participated in the annual 1.6 events at NIT Silchar. The event held a certain prestige, attracting teams from neighboring areas like AMD, Assam, and Aim2Game. It offered a substantial reservoir of experience, as it marked the first time he was witnessing playing in front of a huge crowd.

The Indian team proudly unfurling the national flag in Bali

As DEFAULTER moved to Pune for his education, his brother's own life path led him away from gaming as he assumed family responsibilities. However, DEFAULTER's fire never dimmed. He transitioned to online play and, in 2018, carved his own destiny, founding the team known as Wicked Gaming featuring Lightningfast, Mcg1LLzZz, Ayan, and Logan, who would go on to script their own legends in the annals of Indian gaming history. While their journey encompassed both soaring highs and challenging lows, it was a challenge for Ritesh who was still growing as a player and had also expanded his forte to in-game leading.

Then came the year 2020, marked by the unforeseen impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was during this time that the team had to disband, as Lightningfast and Ion shifted to VALORANT. The allure of VALORANT briefly beckoned to Ritesh as well, and he dipped his toes into the game for a two-month stint. Failing to develop an affinity for the game, he remained dedicated to Counter-Strike. Just as one chapter seemed to close, a new opportunity materialized on the horizon in the form of the Qualifiers for the IESF World Championship in Israel. The loss of the previous roster posed a significant setback, but it didn't deter Ritesh. With determination burning brighter than ever, he set about assembling a fresh team, enlisting the talents of Crazy_Gamer, KiiLSwitCh, and f1redup.

KiiLSwitCh, DEFAULTER, lynX, Mcg1LLzZz, and Crazy_Gamer at IESF World Championship 2021

This dawned the beginning of a new era, as they dominated the scene, winning every tournament they played. And then, that moment arrived—a moment he had worked tirelessly for, a moment that made all the struggles and sacrifices worthwhile. Representing India at international gaming tournaments, competing against the best in the world, as the roster went to Israel and then Bali. It proved to be a significant learning curve for the players, especially when they scrimmed against BIG Academy and later competed against North Macedonia, which included Cacanito at the time. Although they didn't emerge victorious in the event, it bestowed upon them a wealth of valuable experience. DEFAULTER in particular was always ready to acknowledge his mistakes in order to improve. He consistently sought feedback from his opponents, recognizing that while individual skill wasn't a hindrance, it was often the teamwork in Indian teams that didn't quite align with the current meta.

After returning, DEFAULTER led a brief four-month stint in the corporate world. However, he quickly realized it wasn't where he truly belonged. It was then that Skyesports announced the Skyesports Masters, accompanied by a plethora of events slated to follow. For DEFAULTER, it felt like destiny was calling him back to the game. However, a new challenge presented itself as KiiLSwitCh, Crazy_Gamer, and r3vennnn decided to part ways and join Gods Reign. While DEFAULTER searched for a new organization, he was approached by the manager of Marcos Gaming, who granted him the autonomy to build his team. Starting with Mcg1LLzZz, who had been part of the picture from the beginning, he went on to assemble a formidable roster consisting of Gh0sTTTT, Rider, and Zerocool.


As Skyesports commenced, Marcos Gaming emerged as a dominant force in the gaming scene. Their success took even Defaulter by surprise, as he hadn't expected the team to perform so well. Despite players like Zerocool needing to catch up with the meta, the entire team's relentless dedication paid off as they dominated the group stage, culminating at the top of the table. While they couldn't lift the cup as they fell short to Gods Reign in the semi-final, it was still a commendable feat for the team, and for DEFAULTER, who had successfully molded the roster from the ground up.

DEFAULTER firmly believes in the bright future of Indian CS. The recent surge of tournaments in India, stirred up by Skyesports Masters, promises to revolutionize the Indian CS:GO landscape altogether. DEFAULTER envisions these tournaments as a catalyst, infusing players with newfound motivation and providing them with invaluable exposure.

Furthermore, he emphasizes the importance of broadening horizons by engaging in scrims with Chinese and Mongolian teams. DEFAULTER passionately asserts that India has a glass ceiling that must be shattered, and restricting competition to Indian teams alone inhibits growth. Thus, his vision for the future of Indian CS encompasses breaking boundaries, seeking international challenges, and ultimately, propelling Indian esports to unprecedented heights.

Marcos Gaming were the runners up at Skyesports Masters 2023

The journey of Skyesports was great and we as a team are very proud of it. We had a great league stage but the playoff run was disappointing as a team. We just made the team before the league and we didn’t even know each other outside and inside the game. We quickly got along and we started to produce results from our very first official. As an IGL I have gained more confidence as the league progressed and individually I was in great form and hope to replicate that in the following tournaments. I just want to say thanks to everyone who supported us throughout the event and we will be better next time.

Ritesh "DEFAULTER" Sarda

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#1(With 0 replies)
September 5, 2023 08:18pm
What a legend ♥️
#2(With 0 replies)
September 5, 2023 09:13pm
Literal GOAT igl.
Man of culture 🗿
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