Image Courtesy: Blink Entertainment, YouTube

FIREDUP Gaming tear through Random 5

Random 5 concede Nuke to FIREDUP Gaming, 16-7

FIREDUP Gaming took on Random 5 in their Group Stage encounter of Blink Entertainment's CS GO Pro League 2023 with both teams looking to get themselves to the Playoffs. The match took place on Nuke, a welcome change given most of the best-of-ones took place on Inferno till now.

Despite FIREDUP Gaming's n1kace hitting red hot form straight out the gate on the T-side, racking up 16 frags in the first 10 rounds, Random 5 did well to contain FIREDUP Gaming, keeping things level at 6-6. The first half hung in the balance at 6-7, where whichever team wins the round, would break their enemy's bank, basically confirming the half in their advantage. FIREDUP Gaming pulled through and secured a 9-6 T-half in their favor.

L0NGBARREL pushed the T's smoke at A-main, getting 2 frags in the retake, securing the pistol round for FIREDUP Gaming to start off the second half. FIREDUP Gaming managed to convert a couple of follow-up rounds and even a gun round after that, as Random 5's economy was in shambles at 12-6.

At 13-6, L0NGBARREL again pushed the smoke at A main, getting 2 frags with the AWP in the retake but this time but NASTYY shuts it down, keeping Random 5 in the game at 7-13. Random 5's over aggression cost them a crucial round, giving FIREDUP Gaming their 14th and basically confirming the 15th as well, as their bank took a toll again.

Image Courtesy: Blink Entertainment, YouTube

FIREDUP Gaming dropped just a single round on their CT-side, closing out Nuke 16-7. L0NGBARREL's CT-side AWP gave Random 5 no chance, he was at the right place at the right time, most of the time, dropping impact frags round after round, consistently putting Random 5 at early round disadvantages. N1KACE topped the board for FIREDUP Gaming at 26 frags.

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