Gods Reign take the win 2-0

Gods Reign sweep Revenant Esports

The Skyesports Masters champions took down CycloneF's new squad

Gods Reign started with a 5-3 lead on Mirage to kick off their CT side. f1redup’s always stellar AWPing was joined by the team’s latest member, CycloneF’s rifling prowess, but Gods Reign managed to keep the duo out of the rounds to maintain their lead. Over on the GR side, Ember and reV3nn were driving the defense and managed to push their team up to 8-4. A couple of rounds finally went the way of Revenant, but Gods Reign closed with a 9-6 lead.

Now on the T side, GR picked up the pistol win to get to 11, but a clean retake from Revenant allowed them to take the first gun round. That was the catalyst they needed to put up a series of rounds together as gump finally stepped up alongside f1redup and CycloneF. Revenant nearly tied the map up, but Gods Reign found their footing and took the map win thanks to Clouda’s stunning T-side play.

Image Credits: Skyesports

Gods Reign once again locked in the pistol win and being T-sided on Ancient allowed them to get up to a 6-3 lead quickly. gump and Shandarez both went into double digits quickly to allow Revenant to bring that to a single-round deficit, forcing GR to take a timeout. That pause allowed the team to gather their wits as they took round 12 with all 5 members still standing. Gods Reign managed to take 9 rounds in the half and further extended it to 11 as they kept their pistol win streak going. A few rounds went back and forth, but Gods Reign held onto their lead throughout.

Revenant finally took two rounds in a row forcing another timeout from Gods Reign as they lost control over their economy. That allowed Revenant to enter double digits, bringing the two teams to a 2 round gap. In the end though, Gods Reign once again barely pulled out a victory taking the series 2-0.

Image Credits: Skyesports

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September 23, 2023 08:58pm
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