Gods Reign squeek out a close win over Marcos Gaming

Gods Reign survive Marcos Gaming scare

Gods Reign once again showed their clutch factor to take yet another win over Marcos Gaming at the Skyesports Souvenir

After the solid victory yesterday, Gods Reign (GR) continued their performance taking down Marcos Gaming in a 3-map series.

The match started on Ancient, with Gods Reign starting with an early 5-2 pistol lead. Marcos managed to bring it back to a tied game thanks to Mcg1LLzZz leading the charge. GR however kept their attack going racking up 10 rounds on their T side. The second pistol went over to Marcos, but Gods Reign immediately took back control over the half quickly extending up to match point. With no signs of life from Marcos, GR quickly took the map 1-0.

Image Credits: Skyesports

Ember and co. were once again in the lead with the pistol round conversion on Inferno. DEFAULTER and Gh0sTTTT both took double Deagle kills to steal away a force buy in round 3, which allowed them to take the lead early. DiceDealer's AK was finding its mark allowing Marcos to take a commanding 7-3 lead. They continued their dominance, taking a massive 10-5 lead in the half.

Gods Reign thankfully picked up the second pistol to bring the score-line closer. A B retake in round 19 allowed Marcos to jump right back into the driver's seat, and they quickly managed to take the map to tie the series up with a 16-8 win.

Image Credits: Skyesports

Gods Reign failed to find any traction in the opening rounds of Overpass as Marcos found themselves up 8-3 with little resistance. Crazy_Gamer, Ph1nnn, and rev3nn all turned up to bring Gods Reign to within a single round of Marcos. Moving to the second half, Marcos once again picked up the pistol, but Gods Reign kept them close, bringing the map to a tied score of 10-10.

Always clutch in the close, Gods Reign stepped up in the final moments of the map, taking a lead and pushing up to match-point. Round 26 could have been the end of the series but Crazy Gamer disconnected from the server allowing Marcos to take the win, breaking the economy for Gods Reign. With just an AWP on reV3nnn and Glocks for his teammates, Gods Reign somehow managed to close out the map, taking the series 2-1.

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