Overpass receives various bug fixes and tweaks

Valve ships QoL changes for CS2

Weapon finishes and stickers tweaked

Valve shipped a patch addressing minor fixes and quality of life improvements, such as making the refund feature more forgiving by increasing the size of the clickable area to refund a purchase in the buy menu and also a case where smokes wouldn't render render on Linux operating systems running AMD GPUs, among other things.

With Counter-Strike 2's lighting, some of the weapon skins and stickers underwent massive cosmetic modifications, almost separating them from their CS:GO counterpart. Valve have tweaked weapon finishes and stickers to better resemble their CS:GO counterparts, especially skins with custom seeds. An influx of players saw Valve's servers overload and as a result, CSTV and demo recording have been temporarily disabled to increase server availability so more people can play.

Valve's release notes for the update -


  • Fixed missing win/loss/MVP music in Casual


  • Put range clamps on r_fullscreen_gamma, r_texture_stream_max_resolution, and r_character_decal_resolution

  • Fixed smokes not rendering correctly on AMD GPUs on Linux


  • Adjusted grenade throw animations to reduce view obstruction

  • Fixed a case where players would float a few inches off the ground after spawning


  • Various bug fixes and tweaks to Mirage and Overpass


  • Various bug fixes and tweaks to weapon finishes and stickers

  • Updated Phoenix Soldier balaclava from green to original red color

  • Fixed missing pouches on certain SWAT agents


  • Fixed a bug where loadout shuffle would never happen

  • Increased clickable area of sellback buttons in buy menu

  • Fixed a case where the death panel would stay on-screen after respawning quickly

  • Disabled CSTV and demo recording temporarily to increase server availability so more people can play

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