Image Credit: Enigma Gaming

The Roflko Interview: Part 2

Former Enigma Gaming star talks about coming to India and more

In the second part of our interview with Australian Counter-Strike player James 'Roflko' Lytras, we talk about him coming to India to participate in the Skyesports Masters 2023, his experiences in India, what lies ahead for him and the OCE region.

How did Enigma Gaming happen? What made you say yes to moving to India?

I got a message from yourwombat and thought this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and couldn’t resist the offer!

Talk to us about some of the major difficulties you faced whilst shifting to India?

The main adjustment was stomach issues. Apart from the first couple of weeks the experience was amazing. Once our stomachs adjusted, the experience was awesome. The weather was beautiful and the food was amazing. Coming to CS:GO, a major issue was finding scrims for practice on a consistent basis. I believe there wasn’t too much of a practice structure or system setup from what me and my teammates saw.
But I believe it will get better over time with new tournaments being offered in India. Enigma Gaming also provided us with everything we asked for and made sure we were comfortable, shifting from AUS to India.

Coming to the Skyesports Masters 2023, you guys started extremely strong and were looking like the tournament favourites before just falling off majorly right before the Playoffs, what happened?

I believe we created a strong positive culture and an attitude of playing for the win, no matter where we begun. We played each game with hype and little to no pressure. When we started winning the pressure continued to build and it can sometimes be hard to deal with when you haven’t played under such extreme pressure before. It got the best of us in the end, but we showed some great CS, that everyone on the team should be proud of.
It’s all learning in the end, and I’m sure everyone has learned a lot from that experience. I’d also like to say that Enigma Gaming supported us when we were at our peak all the way to when we didn’t qualify. They are a great organisation and have a STRONG culture, built off positive support for their teams and players. I have nothing but respect for them.

While to the average viewer it might not be a lot, tell us about having an international team - you and yourwombat coming from Australia, while the rest of the trio is India - it's not just a mix of nationalities, but gaming culture, difference in comms etc., how long did you guys take to overcome those issues?

We were very fortunate on our team, the Indian trio were very accommodating and mainly spoke in English while we played. I respect them all so much for this and have said from the very start how impressed I was by their commitment not just to the game but to us coming from Australia and each other. We built a strong team and if I was given the choice I would pick the same players again. They made that journey amazing. Enigma Gaming also helped us out and made sure we were comfortable and had everything we needed to play our best! So a big shoutout goes to them.

As someone who comes from a region which is a bit isolated, what were your views on the Skyesports Masters and what do you think it can do for the region?

This was definitely the biggest CS:GO event I have ever played in, prize pool wise. It was awesome to even say I was a part of this event honestly. I believe if events like this continue the scene not only in INDIA but all of ASIA will grow. It makes me excited for the future of CS.

What's next for Roflko?

I have moved back to Australia to continue my studies. I have joined an organisation here DXA and have taken up the In Game Leader role. I have also created a YouTube channel with the sole purpose of helping players across the world get better at CS2. I want to share the knowledge I have gained from years of international playing and domestic competition with anyone I can. Enigma was an amazing organisation, I hope we cross paths in the future again.

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Roflko currently has an YouTube channel, which he uses to put out educational content for upcoming players on how to tackle various issues while in the server.

Let's talk about a little bit of CS, what are your views on CS2? What is one thing you are desperately hoping for from CS2?

Honestly CS2 is looking very promising. The biggest thing that needs to happen now is they need to continue to patch the major bugs and provide consistent updates to help the game feel cleaner. The movement and spraying / hitboxes at the moment are major issues but I have high hopes they will be fixed.

The likes of Grayhound, VERTEX and Rooster have been making major strides over the last few years, where do you think OCE CS lies currently and how much longer before the 'upsets' become a regular thing? (How long till we see another Renegades 2019-esque run and it lasts for a while)

This is a great question but only time will give us an answer! Teams like VERTEX and Rooster give me hope, seeing them getting more international experience and getting to play against the worlds best is always awesome to see. Grayhound are the GOATS of AU CS, I hope they can find their footing and show the world what they have to offer.

You have had a little bit of experience with coaching, could we see Roflko in a coaching role in the future?

Currently I am offering one on one and team sessions for coaching. I want to help build the scene up not just in AUS but ASIA overall and anywhere I can. I want people to understand CS more and therefore enjoy it more. I am not currently in a full time coaching role but who knows what the future holds. Just know I will always help those who ask for it no matter where they are located.

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