HeatoN makes his first CS2 finals

Usual Suspects take Semi-Finals win

Usual Suspects make it to the Grand Finals with an ultra-close win.

Second Semi-Finals for the Rise of Legion Kolkata, put Usual Suspects up against Airavata Esports. The two teams made their way onto Inferno to battle it out for the Semi-Finals. Airavata started off strong with a pistol round win, but their success was shortlived as Usual Suspects picked up the first gun round.

That was enough to shift the tides towards US, as they charged up to an 8-4 lead with emptySHO and FoBoT popping off individually. Airavata came alive in the second half, tying up the game at 8-8. The two teams stayed neck and neck through the end of the game with Usual Suspects barely locking in matchpoint. Airavata nearly pushed the game to OT, but SmokeA and co. edged the win out 13-11.

Usual Suspects now join ROG Academy in the grand finals of Rise of Legion Kolkata.

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