Image Courtesy: Logan, Instagram (vlt.logan25)

Logan: "I was confident about us winning the event"

NPC drop the ball on their T side

Team NPC, a mixed team with some of the country's finest went up against ROG Academy in the first semi-final of Rise of Legion Kolkata. Following their loss to ROG, NPC's captain Logan spoke to Dust2 India for a brief chat.

Even though it was a 0-3 disadvantage to start with your on CT side, you guys managed to comeback at 7-5. On the T side though, it just felt like you guys were struggling to find footing, what went wrong?

A couple of things, miscommunication was an issue and also we're a mixed team. As a mixed team, we don't play with each other a lot so co-ordination wasn't there either.

You guys had a couple of situations in the second half, man-advantage situations which they converted, what was the team comms during those rounds?

Like I said, our comms were off, we weren't playing coordinated and it resulted in us losing a couple of important rounds.

This team was formed just before this event, a top-four finish, did you guys actually think you'd come this far?

Not only top four, I was confident about us winning the whole event. I don't think there's a better group of players, individually, who are better than us. But CS2 is new, lots of changes, and with limited time and less coordination it didn't work out.

Could we see Team NPC at further event?

Maybe, I hope so. I don't think it'll be this same roster with SpawN and n1kace and they have other commitments but L0sttt and myself are definitely sticking around.

Lastly, all of you have tons of experience in CS:GO but this was your first CS2 event, what's your views on the game currently?

The game needs a lot of development, polishing. As you can see even someone like s1mple is taking some time off, its a new game, would need time to get adjusted.

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