FaZe star rejected Falcons: "I have morals and it’s not about the money"

Twistzz openly says he cannot even think about moving to Falcons

In a recent interview with pley.gg, Twistzz, the Canadian star playing for FaZe, revealed that Falcons had approached him regarding a potential team joining opportunity. Despite the offer, Twistzz promptly declined.

If I wanted the bag and didn't care about my career then I would go to Falcons. But I do care about my career. I have morals and it’s not about the money.

He openly articulated that aligning with Falcons wouldn't advance his career positively. He emphasized his commitment to personal principles, highlighting that financial gain isn't his primary motivation. Twistzz underscored that associating with Falcons would mean forfeiting partnered slots, thereby requiring them to participate in qualifiers for every event.

I don't want to be affiliated with that stuff at all. I can just put in perspective for the whole community; you go to Falcons, you have no partner spots, and you have to qualify for everything, which you could say is the privilege that these partner teams have.

Expanding on his stance, he remarked that personal values and ethics vary for everyone. However, for him, the mere thought of joining Falcons was inconceivable.

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