Bhavi: "I think our current roster can play well internationally"

Bhavi led Gods Reign to a 2-0 victory against GRDX

Gods Reign kicked off their Grand Slam campaign with a resounding 2-0 victory against GRDX. Post-game, Dust2 India caught up with their IGL Bhavi to speak about his preparations coming into the matchup

I think before coming into the game, we knew it was going to be an easy game. So we were observing them for the first 2 to 3 rounds to see how they were playing. When we found out that they weren't playing well, we were just abusing them. We were just going around and fighting, making contact, that's it.

Gods Reign opted for a hyper-aggressive T-side with their players taking fights all over the map. Bhavi explained that this calculated approach was part of their premeditated plan to outmaneuver the Indonesian squad.

As we know, they're not that experienced. If we were to group up and execute them, it could have been a problem. So we decided that we'd just go for the default and try to take fights and make them uncomfortable.

Facing GRDX, a team relatively unknown to Bhavi, could have presented difficulties for the Indian squad. However, Bhavi and his teammates were ready with contingency plans.

I think we were prepared for them. Even if they started playing well, we would have implemented our starts. But I think not knowing their game plan gave them an advantage.

Skyesports Grand Slam is the first LAN event for this fresh iteration of Gods Reign that started off with a convincing win. Bhavi asserts that the team has yet to unlock its full potential, but remains confident in its ability to make an impact beyond the borders.

I think it's been 20 days since the roster came together. We have played 2 events, Dust2 and Grand Slam Qualifiers and we have won both. I think we have reached 20-30% of our potential and it will take us a few months to give our best. I think our current roster can play well internationally.

Gods Reign is scheduled to face Aurora at 2:30 PM in what promises to be a challenging matchup. Ranked #42, Aurora poses a formidable opponent, yet Bhavi expresses confidence in his team to push the Russian squad to their ropes.

We are confident in our game. We have prepared well. But, I can't say that we will beat Aurora 2-0 because they have been playing together for 6 months or a year and they have more experience than us, LAN experience, Tier 1 tournaments, and scrim experience in EU. We lack that, but if we play our best I think it could be a close game.

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