kassad invites nafany to talk about Skyesports Championship 2024

kassad refutes nafany's claims

nafany speaks out on HLTV Confirmed

Yesterday Skyesports Championship got off to a far from ideal start when players started calling out the tournament organiser's arrangements and setups for the $300,000 USD A-tier "semi-LAN". The first day was plagued with delays over electricity and internet outages. When the games went live after lengthy pauses, they were again taken off stream over packet loss issues.

Source: HLTV Confirmed via Twitch

BetBoom were swift in action as the team decided to withdraw from the event over "fairness concerns". Later that night, the trio of Striker, SPUNJ and Professeur were joined by BetBoom's IGL nafany in their talk show, HLTV confirmed. nafany went on to explain the conditions on-site and the state at which the tournament is running.

We spoke to ourselves and we decide that here is no way that we can compete fairly in this tournament (Skyesports Championship 2024). Every hour they keep giving changes and it's pretty fair what we did.
nafany, BetBoom

nafany claimed that while most teams were there for RMR points, his team accepted the invite before the announcement and they were there to compete. The Russian IGL mentioned that the tables were in bad condition in addition to frequent internet and electricity outages. He also claimed that their PCs had outdated hardware while a few of their counterparts had comparatively better ones.

Through a post on X, it was later confirmed and clarified that the PC situation was resolved and PCs with better hardware were stationed for official games and practice sessions.

The practice-rooms controversy/dilemma was brought into light with nafany saying that 3DMAX and The MongolZ did not get any practice area at all while his team did, despite the condition of the space. Following up nafany's claims, BLEED's coach kassad took to X, partially refuting his claims for blowing things out of proportion and inviting him for a talk-session with a seasoned host.

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