splashske: "The guys just brought me out of retirement for this one and we won the Singaporean qualifier"
splashske is a veteran in the SEA scene with the experienced Singaporean AWPer having presented teams such as Insidious, HZ, CatEvil and Alter Ego. splashske is back with dreamScape as they represented Singapore at the eXTREMESLAND Asia Open 2024.
While dreamScape's journey in Shanghai was a short one, getting eliminated at the hands of Gods Reign, splashske spoke to Dust2 India briefly speaking about his team's journey in China and more.
Can you talk us through your eXTREMESLAND journey?
So I wasn’t playing for a long time, maybe I was playing regularly like five years ago. The guys just brought me out of retirement for this one and we won the Singaporean qualifier. We were here like five friends just trying to have fun and we enjoyed every bit of it.
You had a great first map, you kept the enemy AWPer on zero kills on a very AWP-friendly map, what was your approach?
Haha, I think we just played very freely on Dust2, we had a pug-like feeling and just let everyone following their instinct and I don’t know I have no idea, maybe luck?

After a solid first map you conceded the series. For a while you looked comfortable in the second half of Mirage, what happened after that?
I don’t really know, maybe luck again.
You’ve played Gods Reign in League (ECL/ESEA) matches, did that affect your approach today?
Yeah I’ve played them but with a different team. I roughly remember how they play but nothing really mattered that much because in the end we have nothing to lose, we just play for fun and we play freely.
What was the highlight of your campaign?
I have good chemistry with w1nt3r and ImpressioN so maybe playing with them was the best part. We have been playing together from a very long time.
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