Gods Reign go down fighting to Lynn Vision
After a slow start on Anubis in their first BO1 encounter at the ESL Challenger League Season 49 Asia-Pacific, Gods Reign fought valiantly on Ancient, putting up a much better performance against the Chinese team but ultimately went down to concede their round of games 0-2, losing Ancient in a heart-breaking fashion in double overtime.
A near flawless pistol saw Lynn Vision start Ancient with an A-site retake but Gods Reign hit back with the force as Rossi held on in a 1v1 against EmiliaQAQ to see the Indian side pick up a crucial force buy win. After four in a row from the Chinese team on their defence, Bhavi's B site opener saw Gods Reign put up their fourth round.
A CALLM3SU3 1v2 and impact from z4kr's AWP in the final two rounds of the half saw Lynn Vision lock in 7 CT rounds. A Rossi and R2B2 full house helped Gods Reign retake on the A site to even out the pistol but like the first half, it was force buy in the second round, this time from Lynn Vision as a C4LLM3SU3 triple saw Lynn Vision's T-side get underway. Lynn Vision seemed to be easing to another big win but Gods Reign found their seventh on a full pistol buy which gave some hopes of a comeback chance especially with a crucial Ph1NNN 1v2 on the A site.
With f1redup's AWP finding late impact, Gods Reign saw off five match points to push the match to overtime. Overtime started with Lynn Vision taking the opening round but a rossi 1v2 got Gods Reign back on the board. Gods Reign ended their CT half with two defensive rounds. A Bhavi double opener put Gods Reign on match point and Gods Reign but Lynn Vision hung on to push it to double overtime, closing out the final round of first OT converting a 4v5. A flawless CT half in double OT finally saw Lynn Vision avoid a major upset as they closed Ancient at 19-15 thanks to a z4kr 1v3 in the final round.
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