A new start for the Danish team

Astralis announce new signings

Two veterans benched

Astralis have announced two new signings, as they welcome Staehr from Sprout and former Copenhagen Flames star b0RUP to their main roster.

The two will be replacing gla1ve and Altekz. Altekz, who had replaced Xyp9x on the main roster, will rejoin the talent squad and Xyp9x will move to the bench along with Astralis' long-standing in-game leader gla1ve. The team hasn't revealed who will be calling with gla1ve gone, but with blameF already having experience with the role, and calling occasionally whilst gla1ve was there, it is most likely that he takes up the role.

"I am extremely happy that we have agreed with Sprout on an immediate transfer of Staehr, who is undoubtedly one of the biggest Danish CS talents of the past 5 years. It's an open secret, we've had a good eye for him for a long time, and in terms of what we want with the team, he fits in perfectly. I am looking forward to working with him and helping him to really develop his potential further. In relation to b0RUP, he is a player we know well. He has been brought in for the specific role in the system we want to play and I expect him to contribute a lot to the team and his teammates. He is only 23, but he brings in a lot of useful experience, and with these 5 players on the roster, I have a strong belief, we have found a better balance in the team and a will come out with a lot of energy and firepower.
At the same time, I would like to praise Andreas, Alexander and Lukas for their efforts during a difficult period when, despite hard work from everyone, we have not made things succeed quite as we would have liked. We have seen good signs and trends along the way, but we also had some very big dips and neither found the right constellation nor a stable level of performance. We now have the opportunity to bring in two players who fit in with the way we want to play, and the time for change is right. "
casle, Head Coach, Astralis.

Staehr has been in Astralis' radar for a while now

"I've been aware that Astralis has been interested in signing me at one point, and I can only say that I'm extremely happy to call myself an Astralis player. The team has won some not so big tournaments this spring, but even without any big tournament wins, Astralis is still one of the world's most interesting teams and organizations. I had several good opportunities, but as a Dane you still can’t beat wearing the Astralis jersey. I know a few of my new teammates very well and I am really looking forward to getting started and "grinding" with the team and the coach. We don’t have a lot of time, but we are a group of players who are ready to do everything we can to get there."
Staehr, said.

b0RUP joins with plenty of experience under his belt

"I’ve had a lot of thoughts in relation to your future, and honestly this beyond what I had expected. But you don't say “no” when Astralis asks if you’re interested! I am really looking forward to getting started, and I know exactly why I have been brought in, for which role. These are some of the world's best players who I already know from different contexts, so I am completely calm about the expectations. I am aware that expectations are always high in Astralis, but for me that is actually one of the great things about being a part of this org. I will do everything I can to show that I belong and to give the fans something to cheer for – and to win!"
b0RUP added.

Astralis also announced that their Talent coach, r0nic will be joining the main team as Assistant Coach while r0nic's replacement in the talent squad is yet to be announced.

The announcement of the new signings comes a day after Astralis has announced that their Director of Sports Kasper Hvidt and Chief Analyst HUNDEN, both had their contracts terminated.

With the new signings, Astralis' lineup now is as follows:

  • device

  • blameF

  • Buzz

  • Staehr

  • b0RUP

  • casle (coach)

  • r0nic (assistant coach)

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