Happy New Year 2024

A message to the Indian Counter-Strike community

As the new year gets underway and we welcome 2024, firstly we at Dust2 India want to wish all of you a very Happy New Year and best wishes for the year ahead.

I would also like to opportunity to say something to our Indian Counter-Strike community.

To the fans -

Firstly I want to talk to those without whom any Counter-Strike community wouldn't be what it is. The fans, without you none of this would be possible. Your guys are the heart and backbone of our Indian scene and while it might not be competitive and vibrant as those in the Tier-1 scene, we have a growing scene and your support is crucial for the game and our players to grow.

2024 is going to an important one for Indian Counter-Strike and I hope all of you get behind our players and teams and cheer them on. Tell your friends, family and everyone about our players and teams and spread the word!

To the players -

The stars and the one's who make us proud at the national and international level, my message to our players is a short one - 2024 is a crucial year for India to get on the Counter-Strike world map and I hope the players respect the game, their teams and teammates and put in the hours, grinding to increase the quality of Counter-Strike in India and take us to the biggest stage.

For quite sometime the Indian scene was not as happening as it was through the last year and with more events lined up, I hope the players take note and put in their best to wave the Indian flag high.

To the Tournament Organisers -

One of the more important group of people in the Indian Counter-Strike community, The only way to move forward for our region is more Counter-Strike, which will help our players grow and in turn take part on the bigger stages. The TOs play a big role in shaping our CS scene it is important that the events are well planned and executed.

BLAST along with NODWIN Gaming and Skyesports have already released event details and their calendar for 2024 and other TOs aiming to host Counter-Strike events should also be on the same page. Not only does having a clear roadmap and calendar help create proper ecosystem for the teams and players, it will also help events not clashing with each others, teams plan out their schedules better and most importantly having a clear roadmap and announcing events beforehand rather than in the eleventh hour also will encourage orgs to invest in Counter-Strike.

We have a couple of big events lined up for the Indian scene in the upcoming year and to discover more talents and give them platforms to showcase their talents, I hope TOs take charge.

Counter-Strike is one of the all-time great esports titles and it is important that the Indian esports fans are not derived of Counter-Strike.

To the organisations, investors and other stakeholders -

To the ones who actually give our players a chance to showcase their talents and skill, I hope in 2024 we see more organisations enter Counter-Strike in India, to pick up promising teams and players and shape them to help the country grow.

Ours is a growing scene, with relation to Counter-Strike, hence my request to the orgs and investors are if you are only coming in for instant ROI and only from a business point-of-view, please think again. To grow the Counter-Strike scene, we first need investment in it and we need people who have a long-term vision. For Indian Counter-Strike to be where rest of Europe is, its not only on the players but also one the ones supporting them.

I hope organisations respect the players in the upcoming year, some of them are hoping to go professional and the support from orgs is crucial in their career. Players deserve contracts that will help them pursue Counter-Strike as a career and not have to worry about another job to sustain themselves.

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