Lucky 'It was pretty easy to counter (them)'

3DMAX continues to impress in Mumbai

3DMAX have been in red-hot form in Mumbai for the Skyesports Championship 2024 and the French squad showed their strength once again on stage as they knocked ENCE out from the quarter-finals of the Skyesports Championship 2024.

Following their win, Dust2 India spoke with Lucky, who spoke about the win over gla1ve's ENCE and what lies ahead of them in the $300,000 tournament.

You are now into the semi-finals after beating ENCE. How are the emotions building up?

Everyone is really happy obviously, it is a really important game for us. Very important for the Valve ranking so the semi-final is already big for us. So yeah, everyone is really happy for us.

On several rounds it looked like you guys out-called one of the best IGLs in the world. Talk to me about your preparations coming into this tournament.

We prepared the match like every other match to be honest. We watched the demos. We understood their game pretty well, their gameplan. We knew what was coming to us. It was pretty easy to counter, in this game. Happy about our preparations there.

Do you think ENCE underestimated your performance?

I don't think they underestimate us to be honest. We knew it was not going to be an easy game, not in our game. It was like a pretty equal matchup I'd say. It felt like we were better prepared, tactically, at least, than them.

Can you tell me a bit more about Maka's calling in this game?

It was as usual. We just adapted our game to their gameplan. That's it to be honest.

You will now face Aurora in the semi-final. Thoughts on them?

Aurora is a pretty good team on LAN at least. We have played them a lot online. They are in the same stage as us, like they are a decent tier-2 team. We play against them pretty often, so we know what's coming up. And I think it's going to be a tough game.

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