Revenant take down Marcos

gump shines in 2-0 over Marcos

Revenant Esports take down Marcos in a dominant 2-0 victory as SK wow and gump put up massive performances.

Revenant started off the CT side of Ancient with a clean pistol conversion that got them up to a massive 6-0 half. Marcos finally broke through the defence to get their first round and the two teams went back and forth as DEFAULTER was powering up for Marcos. Still Revenant came out on top in the half with a 9-6 lead. With f1redup, gump and SKwow all pulling over 20 frags, Revenant were able to close the map out 16-10.

Moving over to Inferno, Revenant once again started with a pistol win and this time it was followed up by an even better 12-3 half. Marcos slowly put up attack rounds, but gump was having a great game with over 25 frags in 20 rounds. RNT reached match point at 15-7, and closed the series out 2-0 to lock in a solid victory over one of the best teams in the league.

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