"They were playing some random Counter-Strike" - Mcg1LLzZz on Medal Esports

Marcos Gaming 2-0 Medal Esports

After yet another victory against Medal Esports, Marcos Gaming sits confidently at the apex of the leaderboards with 9 wins and two losses. We got a chance to talk to Mcg1LLzZz from Marcos Gaming. Here's what he had to say.

A resounding victory from you, Did you expect such a fight from Medal?

We didn't expect it. But they were playing everything out with guns blazing. They were playing really random Counter-Strike and we basically didn't expect them to play like this. But today they hit their shots that's why they came this close.

With this win, you maintain your top spot. How important is that for you? Is that something that puts pressure on you?

No, basically every time we play, we try to keep the momentum high. We always want to stay at the top because winning is everything for us. And gaining the momentum is basically the thing. It matters if we lose some of our games. It will hamper our confidence. That's why we are always here to win.

There has been a conversation about how you prepare focusing on your players rather than focusing on the other team. Is that true?

Yes because we need to understand our own strengths first. We don't focus on the oThether players because we know what we are capable of. And we always focus on ourselves because I feel like that's the main thing. If we explore things with our players, we can win any match easily.

Inferno got close towards the end. How important do you think was the 1v1s from Rider?

I think for today's game, it was pretty lackluster, but the clutches were important. We were hyping each other because the rounds were very close. We were not throwing basically, but we were trying. They were just hitting their shots. Like pushing mid and getting the kills. But yeah, the clutches were important. And after that, we were like, 'Okay we need to finish the game right now'.

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