Ancient receives lighting and clipping fixes

Ancient added to Competitive mode in CS2 limited test

Ancient and Anubis swaps places

After less than a week of their introduction to the CS2 limited test, Ancient now replaces Anubis in the competitive mode. Anubis can now be played in the casual and deathmatch modes. While Ancient looked stunning, it came with its fair share of issues. Players reported that the lighting was too bright in certain areas of the map, it was difficult to spot guns dropped in T-spawn because the water was too swampy and a few clipping issues, which were fixed in this update.

Anubis also receives bug fixes, clipping fixes and has received an improvement to water rendering, meaning that water will no longer cause a significant drop in performance, when looked at or interacted with. Here are Valve's patch notes for the update -


  • Anubis
    Removed from Competitive mode
    Various bug fixes and tweaks

  • Ancient
    Added to Competitive mode
    Various adjustments to lighting
    Added missing collision detection to some debris


  • Various adjustments to C4 animation

  • Water rendering performance improvements

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