Image Courtesy: 7SEA Esports

"I still believe that we have superior strategies and teamplay" - DiceDealer

7SEA Esports concede 0-2 series to Marcos Gaming

7SEA Esports lost an incredibly close series to Marcos Gaming with just a round difference of 4 in both maps combined. After the loss, 7SEA Esports sit at #5 in the points table with 7 wins to their name out of 11 matches. We got a chance to talk to DiceDealer, 7SEA Esports' entry fragger and here's what he had to say about the match and their plans for the remainder of the tournament.

Vertigo, your personal favorite, took it to overtime and fell off at very end, can you talk about that?

"Towards the end we messed up a lot of executions. The game was good, we could've closed out a lot of rounds in regulation but our T-side was bad and that was probably the main reason why we lost Vertigo. We were under pressure in the OT and we fumbled our executes, that's it."

A brilliant comeback on the T-side of Inferno but again, it got out of hand at the last step in that A-take, what happened?

"Their pit player played perfectly, he bought a lot of time and killed two of us, after which we had no chance. It was a 4v5 situation, we could've won it, but didn't. After winning so many rounds, mistakes are bound to happen. We did a great comeback, didn't do any mistakes but in the last round we did and it cost us the match and the series"

We're at the final phase of the league, are you planning to do something differently to set you up for the playoffs?

"Not really, we'll just stick to our game plan. I still believe that we have superior strategies and teamplay. We have to minimize our mistakes and try to qualify for the playoffs. We'll try something different in the playoffs but in the league stage we'll just try to minimize our mistakes for now."

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