Image Courtesy: Blink Entertainment, YouTube

Gods Reign thrash ROG Academy

ROG Academy concede Overpass 16-3 to Gods Reign

ROG Academy started off on the T-side of Mirage and were instantly pushed to their limits as they were met with aggression round after round. Gods Reign had answers to nearly anything ROG Academy was throwing at them. Every individual from Gods Reign stepped up, dropping impact frags, isolating fights and out-foxing ROG Academy.

Gods Reign was so dominant on their CT-side, that ROG Academy could secure their first bomb plant in round 23 of the match at 11-1. Nearly everyone on Gods Reign fragged out with Ph1NNN leading the charge at 19 frags at the end of the first half, giving Gods Reign a massive 13-2 half.

Image Courtesy: Blink Entertainment, YouTube

ROG Academy took the pistol round to start the second half, staying alive and keeping Gods Reign from inching closer to the match point. ROG Academy failed to convert the anti-eco, off the back of which Gods Reign ran away to match point. In a 1v2 at match point, Crazy_Gamer legged it all the way across the map, planting on A and clutching it out to close Overpass 16-3, confirming their flawless group stage run.

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