"People think we are playing really bad, but it's very difficult to play with high ping" - The_Guru

Velocity Gaming's woes continue

After taking yet another beating from Enigma Gaming, we sat down with The_Guru from Velocity Gaming to discuss what went wrong in their encounter. Here is what he had to say.

Considering how things went last time, how did you prepare for Enigma?

We scrimmed Enigma a few times. We had some close results so we thought we could win. But it is what it is, they are the better team.

So having played them so many times, what do you think makes them so good?

Individually they are stronger. They have better players, imported players. The import players are very good. They are more structured than us. There is the motivation factor also. We lost so many matches.

Even though you were having a hard time, you guys were still having a laugh. How do you achieve the positive attitude?

Yeah because we told the team to just have fun. Don't get tilted, have fun. Take aim duels, play on your strengths. That's it. There is nothing to lose anymore. Make some highlights. And it was close, I made a bad mistake.

That lost 1v1?

Yeah. I misjudged, I thought he was coming from Connector. If I had won that round, we could have won also. We are not that motivated but we are still trying to do our best. Many factors are there, the geographical location also. People think we are playing really bad, but it's very difficult to play with high ping. I am pretty sure with these players, on equal field we will play much better.

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