Jimpphat to miss IEM Sydney

Visa Issues Plague first CS2 LAN

MOUZ will be fielding Nexius in place of Jimpphat at IEM Sydney 2023.

After their stellar run through the ESL Pro League Season 18 Playoffs, MOUZ's new siuhy-led roster will not get the chance to carry that momentum into CS2. Heading into IEM Sydney, the camp has received unfortunate news that Jimi "⁠Jimpphat⁠" Salo will not be travelling to the land down under. The Finnish player has been unable to get his visa and thus will sit the event out.

Replacing him will be another member of the NXT roster as Bram "⁠Nexius⁠" Campana will replace him on the roster. The news was announced by MOUZ on their twitter account and will surely be a blow to their confidence after hitting #4 on the HLTV world ranking.

While a substitution like this is nearly always a loss in team chemistry, considering Jimpphat's roles, if the stars of MOUZ perform, the international squad might still be able to pick up a few wins, even if the trophy may prove elusive. The org further stated that Jimpphat will continue to try to get his visa and may join the team in Sydney at a later date.

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